WASP Brand
Regular Logo
Simple Logo
Small Logo
Silhouette Logo
There are four different logos for Wheels Action Sports Park (WASP), to be used for different placements. The regular logo is the main logo that should be used where there is plenty of space and the logo can be large.
The standard logo should be used where there is lots of room and a simple background. This logo shouldn’t be used for small dense areas as the standard logo will become condensed and busy.
Use the simple logo where the standard logo would be too big to fit. One aspect of the simple logo is that it is less tall than the standard logo, however it has similar thickness.
The small logo should be used where the other logos are too large or where the background skateboard would not work well.
The silhouette logo should be used where even the small logo is too large and complex. There is a white silhouette version for dark backgrounds. Any solid color of the silhouette logo would work if desired.
Brand Collateral
WASP Brand Guidelines
WASP Website
I have created and designed a website for Wheels Action Sports Park, to view more please open this link: WheelsActionSportsPark.com